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Waterflush, an eco-friendly toilet tank

You are fed up with leaks?

Interested in saving more water than with your two-button toilet system?

Interested in saving money?

We have the solution, with a ten-year guarantee !

Waterflush is a universal toilet tank, an eco-friendly, cost-effective and eco-responsible solution, which saves
up to 60% of water and requires no maintenanc

ready to use in 10 minutes

You can assemble the tank by yourself Simply remove your ceramic tile and put Waterflush

1 to 5 liters

You can control your water consumption. from 1 to 5 liters.

10-year warranty

We guarantee you 10 years of trouble-free operation. the tanks are manufactured in Normandy, France.

60% économie d'eau des WC avec Waterflush by Econevès

up to 60% saving

Several live tests prove Waterflush System to save up to 60% in water consumption with a return on investment from 3 to 12 months

How does it work ?

No more seal, no more leaks.